Daily Archives: September 1, 2011

[photos] Hyung Jun @ Mnet WIDE 31.08.11

credit : 아이러브현 + @prettyboy_jun + @MnetWIDE

[Fancam + Fanpics] Hyung Jun buying Toast for Fans 110831

credit by Only Jun

Oh my~~ I’m so envious! Green with envy! I also want to have one, Hyung Jun-nim~~

넌 항상 최고야!! Always the best!!

credit: http://blog.naver.com/jyjw31

First clip is him asking the fans what are they selling there? Then he said, he’ll go get some..then fans all want “woo~~~” hahaha

Hyung Jun’s tweet on 110831

Trans: Only Jun

HyungJun87 HyungJunKim
피로피로,시로시로 스마트폰 케이스가 드디어 등장했습니다! 많은 사랑 부탁드립니다! 구매는 http://www.HnBSTORE.co.kr 에서 가능하답니다!
PiroPiro, SiroSiro smartphone case are finally out! Hope to get lots of love! They can be purchased from http://www.HnBSTORE.co.kr!
엠넷와이드연예뉴스 MC 김형준!! 헤어스타일을 상큼상큼하게 바꾸셨네요! 오늘의 의상컨셉은 학교 땡땡이치고 방송하러 온 노는 고딩컨셉?! 뭘 해도 멋져용~! 5시 엠넷와이드 연예뉴스로 확인해보세요! yfrog.com/kge77noj
Trans: Mnet Wide Entertainment News MC Kim Hyung Jun!! Hairstyle has changed a little! Today’s attire concept is playing truant at school in order to come for broadcast to play?! Whatever he does is still cool~! At 5pm, please check and watch Mnet Wide Entertainment News!

Hyung Jun on Mnet Wide E News 110830-110831




SS501’s Kim Hyung Jun Completes Japanese Tour

by: animalcrackers on Aug 31, 2011

SS501’s Kim Hyung Jun made his mark as a Hallyu star by completing a seven concert tour in Japan named “Summer Festival” on August 28!

The concert kicked off back on August 19 and ran through Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and other cities. Each concert brought in 1,000 audience members, bringing a successful conclusion to the tour on August 28.

Kim Hyung Jun performed his hit tracks, “oH! aH”, his Japanese single “Long Night”, SS501’s “U R Man”, “Love Like This”, as well as songs from his musical, “Caffeine,” and other cover songs in his own charismatic style.

Fans showed their love in return by sending congratulatory wreaths and even snacks and meals specially prepared for him and his staff. Kim Hyung Jun warmly repsonded to their love by greeting all of them in his fluent Japanese.

In his performances in Osaka and Nagoya, he made sure to learn the specific dialect for each city, surprising fans with the fluency of his speech.

[Pix & Vid] Hyung Jun Back in Japan 08.29.11 by Prettyboy

credit by: prettyboy_jun

After a series of successful concert tour, Hyung Jun is back in Seoul. For the last two weeks Hyung Jun has been swinging back and forth Japan for the Summer Festival Tour. If I am not mistaken he has a total of 7 concerts held in different cities inJapan such as Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.
Hyung jun Daebak

and this is those pics and fancam by prettyboy

[Scans] Hyung Jun featured on Korean Wave Vol 46 (JPN)

Scans by http://ameblo.jp/tukusi5067